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As the number of instances of monkeypox cases increases worldwide, the World Health Organization has declared a public health emergency.

Rising cases of monkeypox: Why everyone is keeping a close eye
Do you recall chickenpox? However, there is a different poxvirus known as monkeypox that is making waves worldwide. Like mushrooms after rain, cases are emerging, and the World Health Organization (WHO) is seriously considering whether to declare a public health emergency.

What precisely is monkeypox then?

Think of the elder, grouchy cousin of chickenpox. Similar symptoms include fever, chills, pains, and those painful, itchy rashes that have pus-filled lumps on them. However, unlike chickenpox, monkeypox can also result in enlarged lymph nodes and, mercifully, very rarely, even death.

Where is the source of all this monkeypox?

Primarily seen in wild animals in central and western Africa, monkeypox is a disease. However, it has started shifting its focus to people recently, and not just in Africa. There are increasing numbers of cases in Asia, the Americas, and Europe. The WHO is concerned about that.

Why does the WHO care about this?

To start with, no one is precisely sure how this latest outbreak of monkeypox is spreading. Is it only spread through close contact with sick individuals, or is it spreading in other ways as well? Furthermore, unlike chickenpox, there is no publicly accessible vaccine for monkeypox. Thus, if things get out of control, there may be a serious issue.

What then is being done?

To better understand how monkeypox is spreading and to develop more effective testing and treatments, the WHO is urging further research. Additionally, they collaborate with nations to monitor incidents and increase awareness. Additionally, they’re thinking of announcing a public health emergency, which would essentially entail doing everything within their power to limit the virus’s spread.

How are you able to help?

Remain calm! Comparatively speaking, COVID-19 is a more contagious illness than monkeypox. Still, it’s wise to exercise caution. What you can do is as follows:

Hand washing is one of the finest strategies to keep oneself safe from viruses of all kinds.
Steer clear of individuals who are near to illness: If you know someone who has monkeypox, stay away from them until they recover.
If you experience any symptoms, visit a doctor: If you acquire a fever, rash, or enlarged lymph nodes, it’s always advisable to be checked out.
The final word?

Although monkeypox is a serious worry, losing your head is not necessary. Remain vigilant, use care, and have faith in the professionals to manage the problem. And never forget that our ability to combat this virus will improve with our increased knowledge of it.

Recall that this is only an overview. Visit reputable websites like the WHO website or your local health agency to learn more about monkeypox.

Total words: 498

Extra observations

I’ve avoided using technical jargon and instead used plain, understandable language.
I’ve concentrated on the most crucial details, like monkeypox symptoms, transmission, and prevention.
At the conclusion, I’ve included a call to action urging readers to remain knowledgeable and take preventative measures.

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